Some papers related to

Assessing Forest Soil Disturbance through Biogenic Gas Fluxes (Dulohery, Morris, and Lowrance, 1996)


Zerva, A. and M. Mencuccini.  2005.  Short-term effects of clearfelling on soil CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in a Sitka spruce plantation.  Soil biology and biochemistry.  37: 2025-2036.

Hietalahti, M.,  G. Cadisch, and G. P. Buckley.  2005.  The effect of woodland soil translocation on carbon and nitrogen mineralisation processes.  Plant and soil. 271:91-107.

Zerva, Argyro.  2004.  Effects of afforestation and forest management on soil carbon dynamics and trace gas emission in a sitka spruce forest.  A thesis submitted for the degree of doctor of philosopy.  University of Edinburgh.

Laporte, Michael F., L.C. Dushesne, and S. Wetzel.  2002.  Effect of rainfall patterns on soil surface CO2 efflux, soil moisture, soil temperature and plant growth in a grassland ecosystem of northern Ontario, Canada: implications for climate change.  Biomedcentral Ecology. 2:10.


Shan, J., L.A. Morris, and R.L. Hendrick.  2001.  The effects of management on soil and plant carbon sequestration in slash pine plantations.  Journal of applied ecology.  38: 932-941.


Knoepp, Jennifer D., David C. Coleman, D.A. Crossley Jr., and James S. Clark.  2000.  Biological indices of soil quality: an ecosystem case study of their use.  Forest Ecology and Management. 138: 357-368.


Hanson, P.J., N.T. Edwards, C.T. Garten, and J.A. Andrews.  2000.  Separating root and soil microbial contributions to soil respiration: a review of methods and observations.  Biogeochemistry. 48:115-146.


Amiotte Suchet, Philippe, M.H. Verrey, F. Andreux, J. Leveque, and J.L. Probst.  1998.  Carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere by soil respiration: a global scale approach.  16th World congress of soil science.  Montpellier, France.  Symposium 26 Soil and climate change.  Poster presentation.

